Although the 2014 report by the Swiss Confederation estimates that around 60,000 BiH citizens live in Switzerland, the exact number is still unknown.

There are various reasons for this lack of data. First, the official data does not contain figures on naturalised citizens, even though they should also be counted as members of the BiH diaspora. Second, with the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the emergence of new countries like Croatia, Serbia), many BiH nationals obtained official documents from two states, like for example BiH and Croatia, and are often counted exclusively as Croats. Finally, the methodology in which the number of foreigners is accounted for and reported in official Swiss statistics has changed over the years and no additional in-depth statistical study has been carried out.

In order to make up for this lack of data and have a clear a picture of the number of BiH citizens in Switzerland and better organise our activities and our network accordingly, we invite you to take part in the survey below and to share it with your acquaintances.

A second part of this statistical study will involve fieldwork.

This statistical problem is similar in other countries (like France, Germany, etc.), Bosnians domiciled in other parts of the World are also invited to take part in our study.

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