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Last name *
First name *
Email *
Address *
Telephone number
Date of birth ( *
Place of origin in Bosnia-Herzegovina *
Do you have Bosnian nationality? Are you in possession of valid identity documents? Yes, I have Bosnian nationality and valid identity documents (passport/ID card). Yes, I have Bosnian nationality, but I don't have valid identity documents (passport/identity card). No, I don't have Bosnian nationality, but I could apply for it. No, I don't have Bosnian nationality and I don't want to apply for it.
Do you have Swiss nationality? Are you in possession of valid identity documents? Yes, I have Swiss nationality and valid identity documents (passport/identity card). Yes, I have Swiss nationality, but I don't have any valid identity documents (passport/identity card). No, I don't have Swiss nationality, but I could apply for it. No, I don't have Swiss nationality and I don't want to apply for it.
Date have have
Are you married / in a partnership? Yes No
Country of origine of your partner —– Bosnia-Herzegovina Switzerland Other
Your partner's last name(s), first name(s) and Date of birth
Your partner's profession
Do you have children? —– Yes No
Do your children have Bosnian nationality? Do they have valid identity documents? —– Yes, my children have Bosnian nationality and valid identity documents (passport/identity card). Yes, my children have Bosnian nationality, but they don't have valid identity documents (passport/identity card). No, my children don't have Bosnian nationality, but they could apply for it. No, my children do not have Bosnian nationality and they do not wish to apply for it.
Do your children have Swiss nationality? Do they have valid identity documents? —– Yes, my children have Swiss nationality and valid identity documents (passport/identity card). Yes, my children have Swiss nationality, but they do not have valid identity documents (passport/identity card). No, my children do not have Swiss nationality, but they could apply for it. No, my children do not have Swiss nationality and they do not wish to apply for it.
Last name(s), First name(s) and Date of birth of your children
Your children's occupation
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I would like to be informed of the results of this statistical survey. Yes No
I agree to be contacted for further information. * Yes No
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